Edibles in your System

Edibles in your System

How long do edibles last?

The effects you can expect to encounter with your edibles will depend on your tolerance, your body weight and dosage ingested. However, you can expect to enjoy your buzz for some time.

For most people, it will be somewhere between 5-10 hours, which is significantly longer than when marijuana is ingested through smoking. However, there have been reports for edible effects to last over 12-14 hours.

How long do edibles stay in your system?

Marijuana edibles will stay in your bloodstream for around 24 hours, in your urine for up to 7 days and in your hair for around a year. However, depending on the amount of cannabis you intake on a daily or weekly basis, marijuana edibles can stay in your system for a longer period of time.

Do edibles stay in your system longer than smoking?

Edibles typically to stay in the system longer compared to smoking. When you eat or digest marijuana, the THC molecules are broken down by the liver and processed over time, and the THC is directly stored in the body’s fat cells. Whereas, when you smoke, THC is consumed in one short burst and your body starts processing THC instantly. 

If you’re looking to get edibles or THC out of the system, you’ll need to know this dependent on your metabolic rate, body-fat content, diet, use of cannabis and exercise routine. The best advice to get THC out of your system is to increase your daily exercise time, sweat, reduce fatty-sugar foods and consume high amounts of cranberry juice and lemon water.

Visit the dispensaries in Silverthorne CO to get detailed guidance about edibles, its usage and its properties.

Published by bellmaria098

Hi! I am Maria Bell, I am working in the Pharma industry from the last 5 years. I am not the owner of the content which has been published here. This content is only for informational purposes.

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