Edible Dosage

Edible Dosage

Getting the dosage right is important if you are going to enjoy your time with edibles. That in mind, let’s take a look at some important information on how to consume edibles.

Edible Dosage MG Chart

The right edible dosage will vary from person to person depending on if you’re a daily smoker, have a high tolerance or just a beginner.

However, there are some general rules of thumb that will help you to nail the art of edibles dosage.

Here are a few generalities you can expect to encounter when it comes to the general edible dosage calculator that will help you out if you’re wondering how many mg of edibles I should eat.

2.5 MG of THC

With 2.5 milligrams of THC you won’t be out of your mind stoned. You may experience an increase in calm, or relief from symptoms if you are using the pot medicinally.

3-15 MG of THC

Once you get to the 15 MG range, your drifting into the recreational territory. With this dosage, you will be able to enjoy an altered perception of reality (nerd talk for, you’ll get pretty stoned). You can use this dosage medically for relief from intense symptoms but it will be intoxicating enough to distract from everyday life.

16-30 MG

At 30 MG you’re in veteran smoker territory. With this amount of THC, we’re talking about a pretty dank brownie, though it will make an acceptable edible dosage for daily smokers.

31-50 MG

Even everyday smokers are going to get knocked down on their rear with a 50MG edible. Not recommended for beginners, or anyone that needs to be a respectable member of society shortly after consumption.

100 MG

If it’s a real 100 MG edible, be prepared because consuming this all at one time could send you to martian land. This will usually only be used medicinally by people suffering extreme conditions (like cancer). The most potent edible will probably be better for medical use than recreational use.

How many mg of edibles should I eat?

If you’re wondering how many mg of edibles should I eat or how much THC it takes to get high, that answer will ultimately depend on your experience level. The edible dosage for a daily smoker with high tolerance will be a lot different than the edible dosage for a beginner.

It’s important to note that body weight and genes are a factor in how your body processes the edible and its THC contents. There isn’t enough science behind edibles, body size and weight right now to give you an accurate description on how it factors in. But in the meantime, the edibles dosage chart below should help you to decide on the right option for your situation.

how many mg of edibles should I eat

How to dose edibles is a fine art that you will want to be mindful of. When they get too potent, it ceases to be an enjoyable experience and becomes physically uncomfortable. Below we’ve outlined some additional questions asked about edible dosage.

Edible dosage for the first time

In general though, if you are a first time user you might be best served by the 2.5-15mg range.

Edible dosage for daily smokers with high tolerance

If you are a regular smoker or a high tolerance, you should probably start by eating around 24mg and increase from there. Note that 25mg is a lot of THC to consume at one time and we only recommend this if you actually have a high tolerance.

How strong is a 10mg edible?

This is the common dosage for a first time user. It’s not very strong if you’re consuming cannabis on a regular basis. A 10mg edible may cause a slight buzz, but most people won’t get “high” from it. Remember though, this all depends on how you personally react to THC and your experience level.

How much of a 100mg edible should I eat?

You shouldn’t eat more than 25mg or 1/4th of the 100mg edible at a time. It is recommended that you start small and slow. Start by eating 10mg and slowing increasing the amount you consume over time. Edibles can be overdone if you eat too much, too fast, so eat with care.

Marijuana edibles are available in Silverthorne dispensaries. Do consult with the professionals over there before consuming these edibles.

Published by bellmaria098

Hi! I am Maria Bell, I am working in the Pharma industry from the last 5 years. I am not the owner of the content which has been published here. This content is only for informational purposes.

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