
Cannabis and Diabetes

In 2015, 30.3 million Americans, or 9.4% of the population, had diabetes. Worldwide, the numbers are even more staggering with approximately 387 million people have diabetes according to the International Diabetes Federation. In the United States, diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death. Unfortunately, it has been estimated that nearly 80% of all Type 2…

How Marijuana Affects the Systems of the Body

One thing that we are now sure of, is the ability of cannabis to treat wildly different symptoms, associated with dozens of unique medical conditions. Many people, however, are still unaware of how the plant actually accomplishes this. For this reason, I am addressing exactly how marijuana affects the systems of the body and produces such a…

Marijuana for Weight Loss

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has gained a tremendous amount of support for it’s safe, effective, and non-intoxicating medical benefits. This popularity has led many people to ask, “Why is CBD illegal if it’s non-psychoactive?”

Why Senior Citizens are Switching to CBD Oil

As we get older, our bodies begin to deteriorate. From blood pressure medication to arthritic pain, we develop needs for prescription drugs. Although these drugs can be highly-effective at treating the conditions that come with aging, they can also be potentially dangerous.

Why CBD Works Best With THC ?

Naturally, Cannabis contains less THC and more CBD compared to cannabis strains being produced and consumed today. This is because high THC and low CBD strains are the most requested and fetches the best prices—breeders simply supply what is demanded.

Differences Between Making and Buying Flower and Concentrate Edibles

Marijuana and CBD edibles are incredibly popular and for good reason! They’re discreet, delicious, and are a much healthier option compared to vaping or smoking. In the wake of numerous states repealing outdated and passing pro-cannabis legislation, more businesses than ever can legally sell both THC and CBD-infused edibles.


CBD, which is short for cannabidiol, has garnered great press and plenty of believers thanks to how many users find it relieves everything from pain and inflammation to nausea and seizures. So what is CBD? It’s the non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant. It’s found in the seeds, stalk, and flowers of cannabis plants and is extracted in the…

Treating Glaucoma with Cannabis

Glaucoma is a painful eye condition that can lead to blindness, often caused by a buildup of pressure on the nerves and systems that help the eye function. While the vision damage caused by glaucoma is irreversible, many treatment options exist to help reduce and relieve the condition’s symptoms.

Sleep Disorders That You Can Treat with Medical Marijuana

A large portion of these people treat their conditions with prescription medication, but these drugs can create more problems than solutions. For this reason, I’ve made a list of the most common sleep disorders that you can treat with medical marijuana.


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